Confession: I quite like Mondays

Posted by Kate on 3:58 AM
So I have a confession to make..... I mostly like Mondays.

Not just because I don't have to leave the house to go in to the office (although that helps), but I love the fresh start that each Monday brings. It is the day to start the diet, exercise, cleaning, the day to start on sorting out bills, drawers full of paperwork and plans for the future.

I like the thought of a clean slate, but like every New Years Day, where resolutions are stored on a top shelf and forgotten about in the chaos of reality, Mondays can set you up for a fall. Today was one of those days.

I had grand plans. The house was going to be tidy, I was going to catch up on all the paperwork I had to do from home instead of in my windowless office, I was going to vacuum, go to the gym, sort out my disastrous tax stuff-ups (again), play with my son, take him swimming, cook lunch and dinner for him, freeze leftovers, do the weekly shopping and take my camera to be posted for repairs :-(.

So you can see, I may have set my goals a little higher than I could reach, even with our extendible ladder (which I must remove from outside our front door where it was left after my rooftop cat rescue (another story entirely) as I'm sure the bad luck of walking under it must be doing something awful).

I am usually a person that time matters for. I like appointments, timetables and calendars, but have not yet managed to cope with the fact that there are only so many hours in a day that can be filled with plans that expand like balloons jostling against each other. Tick for one thing today though - I did manage to while away some time playing with balloons giggling at the look on H's face as they self propelled around the room as they deflated.... and we did go swimming, and laugh a lot and chase each other, and I did manage to get him food to eat (even convinced him to eat a vege or two). The shopping got done (thanks to my lovely husband coming home at lunch) and I tidied one room, so in the scheme of things, it wasn't too bad!

My paperwork though was another matter. Documents and crayola products do not mix. Or maybe they do, it just might depend where your goals are set. Resetting that aim of organisation to one of happiness, both for me and the small one, and today was a good day.

I just hope my accountant feels the same way about the delay....


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