A remarkably uneventful life
Posted by Kate
2:30 AM
Note for the internet cautious - this blog should not be confused with:
a) An unremarkable life (1989 movie)
b) Notes on an unremarkable life - an S+M blog which I accidentally came across while trying to remember what the movie was about...
Other notes (this one mainly for my husband) I am not watching the shopping channel, I am watching a documentary about the shopping channel. Nuances are important!
Exploring.... |
Sometimes you have days where only first world problems exist and life progresses along in somewhat of a calm and controlled manner.
Success is measured in piles of stuff sorted and ready to be donated to charity and the chaos is temporarily reigned in (temporarily being the correct word).
Yum, dirt! |
The unmasked crusader is happily terrorising the lounge room and the cat with his cape (sleep sack) dragging along behind him.
If it wasn't for the pile of smashed glass roped off behind the safety gate (formerly a souvenir from Italy) and the laundry basket full of business papers and receipts to be dealt with sometime before the end of the month, I'd nearly feel like things were under control.
Sometimes in between the madness that are the days with playgroup, swimming, music or childcare, you get the opportunity to stay home and see the world through the eyes of someone small. At these moments, everything else tends to fade further in to the background, work and the outside world with its depressing news seem far away and really, that's all you need!
The boy and his banana |
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